AWS training and certification includes the latest changes in SAA-C02 and also covers the concepts of SAA-C01. It will master you in AWS Cloud, IAM, Lambda, Redshift, EC2, S3, CloudTrail, Global Accelerator, FSx and more. You will work on various tools of AWS cloud platform and create SaaS applications that are highly scalable, highly available and fault-tolerant. Get the best online AWS certification training course from top AWS certified mentors.
- Efficient design and deployment of the AWS system
- Cost-evaluation and cost-control mechanisms
- Elastic Load Balancing on multiple EC2 instances
- Data ingress and egress on AWS
- Identifying relevant and suitable uses of AWS architecture
- Lift and shift mechanism of AWS on-premises applications
- Determining right AWS based on computational, database and security needs
- Some most important AWS certification which helps you boost your career.
- AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner
- AWS Certified Developer ā Associate
- AWS Certified SysOps Administrator ā Associate
- AWS Certified Solutions Architect ā Associate
- AWS Certified Solutions Architect ā Professional
- AWS Certified DevOps Engineer ā Professional
- AWS Certified Big Data ā Specialty
- AWS Certified Advanced Networking ā Specialty
- AWS Certified Security ā Specialty
Module 01 – Introduction to Cloud Computing & AWS
1.1Ā What is Cloud Computing
1.2Ā Cloud Service & Deployment Models
1.3Ā How AWS is the leader in the cloud domain
1.4Ā Various cloud computing products offered by AWS
1.5Ā Introduction to AWS S3, EC2, VPC, EBS, ELB, AMI
1.6Ā AWS architecture and the AWS Management Console, virtualization in AWS (Xen hypervisor)
1.7Ā What is auto-scaling
1.8Ā AWS EC2 best practices and cost involved.Hands-on Exercise āĀ Setting up of AWS account, how to launch an EC2 instance, the process of hosting a website and launching a Linux Virtual Machine using an AWS EC2 instance.
2.2Ā Regions & Availability Zones(AZs)
2.3Ā Pre-EC2, EC2 instance types
2.4Ā Comparing Public IP and Elastic IP
2.5Ā Demonstrating how to launch an AWS EC2 instance
2.6Ā Introduction to AMIs, Creating and Copying an AMI
2.7Ā Introduction to EBS
2.8Ā EBS volume types
2.9Ā EBS Snapshots
2.10Ā Introduction to EFS
2.11Ā Instance tenancy- Reserved and Spot instances
2.12Ā Pricing and Design Patterns.Hands-on Exercise ā
1.Ā Launching an EC2 instance
2.Ā Creating an AMI of the launched instance
3.Ā Copying the AMI to another region
4.Ā Creating an EBS volume
5.Ā Attaching the EBS volume with an instance
6.Ā Taking backup of an EBS volume
7.Ā Creating an EFS volume and mounting the EFS volume to two instances.
Module 03 – Load Balancing, Autoscaling and DNS
3.2Ā Types of ELB ā Classic, Network and Application
3.3Ā Load balancer architecture
3.4Ā Cross-zone load balancing
3.5Ā Introduction to Auto Scaling, vertical and horizontal scaling, the lifecycle of Auto Scaling
3.6Ā Components of Auto Scaling, scaling options and policy, instance termination
3.7Ā Using load balancer with Auto Scaling
3.8Ā Pre-Route 53 ā how DNS works
3.9Ā Routing policy, Route 53 terminologies, Pricing.Hands-on Exercise ā
1.Ā Creating a Classic ELB
2.Ā Creating an Application ELB
3.Ā Creating an auto-scaling group
4.Ā Configuring an auto-scaling group
5.Ā Integrating ELB with Auto Scaling
6.Ā Redirect traffic from domain name to ELB using Route 53
Module 04 – Virtual Private Cloud
4.2Ā VPC as a networking layer for EC2,
4.3Ā IP address and CIDR notations,
4.4Ā Components of VPC ā network interfaces, route tables, internet gateway, NAT,
4.5Ā Security in VPC ā security groups and NACL, types of VPC, what is a subnet, VPC peering with scenarios, VPC endpoints, VPC pricing and design patterns.
Hands-on Exercise ā
1.Ā Creating a VPC and subnets,
2.Ā Creating a 3 Tier architecture with security groups,
3.Ā NACL, Internet gateway and NAT gateway,
4.Ā Creating a complete VPC architecture.
Module 05 – Storage – Simple Storage Service (S3)
5.2Ā Pre-S3 ā online cloud storage
5.3Ā API, S3 consistency models
5.4Ā Storage hierarchy, buckets in S3
5.5Ā Objects in S3, metadata and storage classes, object versioning, object lifecycle management, cross-region replication, data encryption, connecting using VPC endpoint, S3 pricing.Hands-on Exercise ā
1.Ā Creating an S3 bucket
2.Ā Uploading objects to the S3 bucket
3.Ā Enabling object versioning in the S3 bucket
4.Ā Setting up lifecycle management for only a few objects
5.Ā Setting up lifecycle management for all objects with the same tag
6.Ā Static website hosting using S3.
Module 06 – Databases and In-Memory DataStores
6.2Ā Introduction to Amazon RDS
6.3Ā Multi-AZ deployments, features of RDS
6.4Ā Read replicas in RDS, reserved DB instances
6.5Ā RDS pricing and design patterns
6.6Ā Introduction to Amazon Aurora, benefits of Aurora, Aurora pricing and design patterns
6.7Ā Introduction to DynamoDB, components of DynamoDB, DynamoDB pricing and design patterns
6.8Ā What is Amazon Redshift, advantages of Redshift
6.9Ā What is ElastiCache, why ElastiCache.Hands-on Exercise ā
1.Ā Launching a MySQL RDS instance
2.Ā Modifying an RDS instance
3.Ā Connecting to the DB instance from your machine
4.Ā Creating a multi-az deployment
5.Ā Create an Aurora DB cluster
6.Ā Creating an Aurora replica
7.Ā Creating a DynamoDB table.
Module 07 – Management and Application Services
7.2Ā CloudFormation components
7.3Ā CloudFormation templates
7.4Ā The concept of Infrastructure-as-a-code
7.5Ā Functions and pseudo parameters
7.6Ā Introduction to Simple Notification Service, how does SNS work
7.7Ā Introduction to Simple Email Service, how does SES work
7.8Ā Introduction to Simple Queue Service, how does SQS work.Hands-on Exercise ā
1.Ā Creating a CloudFormation stack
2.Ā Launching a t2.micro
3.Ā EC2 instance using CloudFormation
4.Ā Using CloudFormation to automate an architectural deployment
5.Ā Creating an SNS topic, creating a subscription within the topic
6.Ā Setting up SES and sending a mail
7.Ā Creating an SQS queue and sending a sample message.8.1Ā Pre-IAM, why access management
8.2Ā Amazon Resource Name (ARN), IAM features
8.3Ā Multi-factor authentication (MFA) in IAM, JSON
8.4Ā IAM policies, IAM permissions, IAM roles, identity federation, pricing
8.5Ā Introduction to CloudWatch, metrics and namespaces, CloudWatch architecture, dashboards in CW, CloudWatch alarms, CloudWatch logs, pricing and design patterns
8.6Ā Introduction to CloudTrail, tracking API usage.Hands-on Exercise ā
1.Ā Creating IAM users and a group
2.Ā creating an IAM policy and attach it to the group
3.Ā creating an IAM role
4.Ā Setup MFA for a user
5.Ā Creating a CloudWatch dashboard and add metrics
6.Ā Create a CloudWatch alarm which triggers according to CPU Utilization of an EC2 instance
7.Ā Creating a billing alarm
8.Ā Creating a log group
9.Ā Creating a trail.
Module 09 – Automation and Configuration management
9.2Ā How Lambda is different from EC2
9.3Ā Benefits and limitations of Lambda
9.4Ā How does Lambda work
9.5Ā Use cases of Lambda, Lambda concepts
9.6Ā Integration S3 with Lambda
9.7Ā What is Elastic Beanstalk, how does Beanstalk work, Beanstalk concepts, Beanstalk pricing
9.8Ā What is configuration management
9.9Ā What is AWS OpsWorks, AWS OpsWorks benefits
9.10Ā CloudFormation vs OpsWorks, services in OpsWorks, AWS OpsWorks Stacks, OpsWorks pricing.Hands-on Exercise ā
1.Ā Creating a Lambda function
2.Ā Setting up Lambda triggers and destinations
3.Ā Creating an Elastic Beanstalk application
4.Ā Uploading a new version of the application to Beanstalk
5.Ā Creating a stack in OpsWorks
6.Ā Launching the instance using OpsWorks and automatically installing the application.
Module 10 – Amazon FSx and Global Accelerator
10.2Ā Types of FSx,FSx for Windows server
10.3Ā How does FSx for Windows File Server work, FSx for Lustre
10.4Ā Use cases of FSx
10.5Ā Automatic failover process
10.6Ā Supported clients and access methods
10.7Ā What is a Global Accelerator, How Global Accelerator works, Listeners and Endpoints
10.8Ā What are AWS Organizations, Features of AWS Organizations, Managing multiple accounts
10.9Ā What are ENIs, ENAs and EFAs, Working with network interfaces
10.10Ā Enhanced Networking with ENA, EFA with MPI, Monitoring an EFAHands-on Exercise:
1.Ā Creating a shared FSx file system between two windows instances
2.Ā Accessing one instance with multiple Elastic IPS using ENI
3.Ā Using Global Accelerator to map instances from 2 regions into one domain name
4.Ā Enabling Enhanced Networking on an Ubuntu instance
Some MoreĀ Self Paced Modules
Module 11 – Architecting AWS ā whitepaper
11.1Ā Important guidelines for creating a well-architected AWS framework that is resilient and performant
11.2Ā Designing of fault-tolerant and high-availability architecture
11.3Ā Resilient storage
11.4Ā Decoupling mechanism
11.5Ā Multi-tier architecture solution
11.6Ā Disaster recovery solution
11.7Ā Scalable and elastic solutions.
Module 12 – DevOps on AWS
12.1Ā What is DevOps,
12.2Ā Introduction to AWS DevOps,
12.3Ā AWS Developer tools ā CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy and CodePipeline, integrating GitHub with CodePipeline,
12.4Ā Creating a DevOps lifecycle using AWS DevOps tools.
Module 13 – AWS Migration
13.1Ā What is Cloud migration
13.2Ā Why migration is important
13.3Ā Migration process in AWS, the 6 Rās migration strategy
13.4Ā Virtual machine migration, migrating a local vm onto the AWS cloud
13.5Ā Migrating databases using Database Migration Service (DMS)
13.6Ā Migrating a local database to RDS
13.7Ā Migrating an on-premises database server to RDS using DMS, other migration services.
Module 14 – AWS Architect Interview Questions
14.1Ā Guidance for clearing the exam, most probable interview questions and other helpful tips for clearing the exam and interview.